Welcome back, Friends!
Just to give you a little closer look at the types of things we’ll be discussing, here are a few of the chapter overviews for the book, The Softer Side of Single, which I will be sharing excerpts from as we go along… Please feel free to add your comments or questions below, as well as share any specific topics that you would like to see addressed in the book. Thank you for your valuable time and input!
Villains & Victims: The Enemy Called Single
Our entire culture screams at us that Single is a villain, and we are its victims. From Hollywood’s chick flicks to television’s sitcoms and the music industry’s greatest hits, we are bombarded with the assumption that Single is to be disdained, virginity is to be mocked, and companionship is to be attained – as quickly as possible. This chapter dethrones the idol of companionship for the sake of companionship, exposing the pitfalls of lust and obsession that come with the messages from society and even, at times, from a well-meaning church.
Not Alone but Alone
If Jesus is all I need, why do I feel so lonely? Many well-meaning Christians struggle with feeling that their loneliness is a sin, because it must indicate a lack of satisfaction with God. We will explore together why that conclusion is faulty, examining the Apostle Paul’s comments about remaining single, as well as Proverbs’ input on the desires of our hearts. To go further, we will explore the very beginning of human companionship, when in a perfect world without sin, God looked at Adam and first created the need for a wife in him… and then fulfilled it.
What If I Was Wrong?
Once you think you know who God has for you – whether you were dating, engaged, or even married – and then the relationship falls apart, how do you recover? Having to accept failure is compounded when, as a Christian, you have been seeking God and thought He spoke to you about a relationship. From my experience in a would-be relationship that never materialized, as well as from walking with close friends through devastating, mind-reeling divorces, this chapter takes a hard, honest look at how to handle perceived failure when it comes to hearing the voice of God and a failed relationship. With no religious clichés and no sweeping things under the rug, we will lay everything on the table and talk about what to do when someone else’s decision to walk away leaves us alone again, asking, Why?
More to come! Enjoy the journey…