Hello, dear friends! Here are a few more sneak peeks at some of the chapters in the soon-to-be-completed book, The Softer Side of Single. I’d love to hear from you about which chapters/topics interest you the most, or what issues you may have the most questions about. Please feel free to share your comments below. Thanks for stopping by today, and have a blessed, fulfilled day!

Promises & Purpose: Dreams & Destiny

Purpose and destiny play a huge role in the mind of the Christian single woman (as they should). A young lady can grow up in church, have many dreams and aspirations for ministry, family, and career, but feel held back out of fear that she will choose a path opposite to what her future husband will want. Together, we will remind ourselves of the greatness of God’s callings and destiny for us, as well as the immeasurable greatness of the Master Planner’s ability to…well, plan. However, we will take it further and answer the questions of how to plan for the future without yet knowing the person with whom that future will be spent.

There’s No Such Thing as Rejection

Rejection is a powerful force that has surely impacted every one of us. In this chapter, we take our stand against the rule of rejection and its lasting effects in our lives, and we shift our perspective of it altogether. When we begin to see rejection as God’s protection over us, we realize that regardless of how strong the rejection was, our healing, acceptance, and trust are all rooted securely in our Father. Yes, rejection is a powerful force, but it is no match for the power of our Father’s Love.

The Power of Purity, the Essence of Grace

In a day when sex is commercialized, co-habiting is widely accepted, and promiscuity is rarely frowned upon, what’s the big deal about purity? The church at large has done an excellent job of preaching abstinence but a very poor job of explaining purity. We will look at the differences between the two, such as (1) how abstinence is a head-decision, but purity is a heart-position, and (2) how purity is a lifelong issue, not one only for the season of Single. If I can talk you into abstinence, someone else can talk you out of it… and in case someone already has, then we will also talk about the essence of Grace and new beginnings after regrets.

Enjoy the journey today!