Today, I share with you a snippet from the Introduction of the book, The Softer Side of Single. Keep in mind that this book has been a work in progress… The excerpt below was mostly written in the Spring of 2005, yet I feel it is important to share it with you today!

I hope you will embrace today’s challenge for yourself, and I’d love to hear your comments and questions in the comment section below.


The Softer Side of Single, Introduction

…As single women, we all bring to this project a vast array of perspectives and life experiences. I’ll be sharing with painful honesty many of my experiences. They may be similar to your own, or they may be drastically different. In either case, I encourage you to consider our common ground: Regardless of our past or present circumstances, you and I both share experience in this place called Single. We both want God’s best for our lives. We both want to navigate this season successfully, and we’d really like to emerge from it unscathed when all is said and done, right?

My inspiration for writing this project is this: While I, like many of you, have awaited my “knight in shining armor,” and while I have questioned why he seems to be so far away, I began asking myself and God… Could it be that one of the reasons I am still single is that my single-hood has not yet accomplished all it is meant to? Do I have something to offer someone else before I exit this season of my life forever? Maybe I could offer some sense of hope and reason to you in your own season of Single, and we can navigate this thing together. This project is my attempt to do just that: to take what I have in my hand – experiences in the Single season of life – and offer it to God and to you. I pray that He will use it for His purposes and for your benefit. As I do what I feel I’ve been given to do, I encourage you to seek God for what unfulfilled purposes your own journey of Single may still hold. Maybe there is someone else for you to minister to or reach out to; maybe there is a young girl in need of mentoring by a godly woman; or maybe there is some endeavor you are still to attempt before you forever exit your own season of Single…

More to come…